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The Priestess CEO

May 20, 2019

Jessica covers 3 reasons you’ve lost the fulfillment you had when you first started your business and invites you reclaim it:
  1. You’re not coaching on what you really want to be coaching on.
  2. You’re not saying what you really want to say (instead you’re pussyfooting around and editing yourself and watering down your message)
  3. You’re stuck in your zone of excellence (what Gay Hendricks talks about in The Big Leap).
Listen as she explains operating from and creating success from the mind, which drains you and is based on scarcity and how to shift that into developing your business around your spiritual genius.  Explore the programming that is keeping you drained and burned out and lacking fulfillment.

Jessica says it’s time to liberate ourselves, step the hell up and have the life and business we desire!

Your life shouldn’t be in service to your business, your business should be in service to the life you want to live